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Dr. Jihad Qaddour

Associate Professor of Computer Networking
School Information Technology
OU Old Union 215B
Office Hours
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  • Research


Dr. Jihad Qaddour received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering Telecommunication 1990 from Wichita State University. 1993-1998, he was an assistant professor at Mesa State College, Colorado. Dr. Qaddour received his tenure and associated professor 1998 from Mesa State College, Colorado. He served at Mesa State as a graduate coordinator from 1996 to 1998. Dr. Qaddour joined the industry in late 1998 to gain more hands-on experience. From 1998 to 1999, he was with Sprint PCS's Switch and Radio department as a Principal Engineer. From 1999 to 2001, Dr Qaddour was a Switch and Radio department manager, managing more than ten engineers. From 2001 to 2002, Dr. Qaddour moved to the Broadband Wireless department as a lead engineer to select the new broadband technology for Sprint Wireless. From 2002 to the present, Dr. Qaddour has been teaching in the School of Information Technology at Illinois State University, where he received his tenure in 2005 and associate professor in 2008.

Current Courses

254.001Hardware And Software Concepts

377.001Practical Telecommunication Networking

377.002Practical Telecommunication Networking

376.001Wireless And Mobile Network Security

Teaching Interests & Areas

Learning is a process of transformation. Given my diverse education, long teaching experience, and industrial experience, I have the ability to teach a large range of classes at both graduate and undergraduate levels. I have extensive knowledge of electrical and network engineering topics, such as communications, wireless and wire networks, data communication, wire and wireless security, next-generation networking, and the Internet of Things. The vast arsenal of knowledge and academic and industrial experiences I have obtained during the years gives me the opportunity to be more effective in teaching by blending the hands-on and the theory in my classroom.
Three primary principles form the foundation of my teaching philosophy: (1) enthusiasm, mastery of the subject, and engagement and collaborative Learning; (2) variety of tools and instructional techniques; and (3) application of curriculum and treating students with respect. These concepts have emerged through classroom experience, instruction in collegiate teaching, student feedback, reflection, and peer review.
I equip my students with strong foundations in theory and principle and assist them in translating this to implementation in their semester group project using innovative, real-life solutions and algorithms to solve practical problems. I pride myself on being FAIR, FIRM, yet FRIENDLY, learning my students' names, and treating them as individuals.

Research Interests & Areas

My main research interests are wireless Systems, communication theory, and emerging technologies, emphasizing 4G/5G, wireless security, and multi-antenna (MIMO) systems.
The promise communication technology holds in the future is enormous. Developing high data rate wireless technology with robust and seamless service and high throughput wireline technology are the main motivating factors behind theoretical and practical communications research today. As wireless is a relatively new technology, many fundamental theoretical issues concerning them still need to be solved.
Research Interest and experiences:
• Object detections
• Wireless Communications for Fifth Generation (5G) technologies.
• Performance analysis.
• Sensor networks.
• Wireless and mobile security.
• Modeling and simulation for wireless systems.
• SDN and NFV networks and security
• Blockchain security
• Machine Learning/AI
• IoT security & Technology

MS Applied Mathematics and Statistics

The Wichita Stat University
Wichita, KS

Ph D Electrical Engineering -Telecommunication

The Wichita State University
Wichita, KS

MS telecommunication and signal processing

The Wichita Stat University
Wichita, KS

BS Electrical Engineering

Damascus University

Conference Proceeding

Qaddour, j., & Eman, K. A Secure Blockchain for Electronic Health Records. no. HEALTHINFO 2023: The Eighth International Conference on Informatics and Assistive Technologies for Health-Care, Medical Support and Wellbeing The Twelfth International Conference on Communications, Computation, Networks and Technologies INNOV 2023 (2024): 5.
Qaddour, j., & . Two-Stage Object Detectors: A Comparative Evaluation. yes. HEALTHINFO 2023: The Eighth International Conference on Informatics and Assistive Technologies for Health-Care, Medical Support and Wellbeing The Twelfth International Conference on Communications, Computation, Networks and Technologies INNOV 2023 (2024): 7.
Qaddour, J., & Haywood, Jeremiah. 5G Security with IOTA and Masked Authenticated Messaging. IARIA (2020): 6 pages.
Gandhi, K., & Qaddour, j. Implementation Problems Facing Network Function Virtualization and Solutions. ICN (EDs). IARIA- 2018- (ICN) The Seventeenth International Conference on Networks (2018): 70-76.

Journal Article

Mujeye, S., Qaddour, J., Ullah, S., Calderon, S., Rhykerd, R., Edamala, C., & Kidwaro, F. (2023) A Proposal on How to Use Blockchain to Secure Communications in 5G Ecosystem. International Journal of Future Computer and Communication.
Jihad Qaddour and Navid Rajabi, “LSTM Deep Recurrent Neural Network Model for Voltage Abnormality Detection at IoT Gateway,” International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 177 – No. 9, October 2019.
Jihad Qaddour, “Security Threat and Challenges Analysis of Cloud Computing with Some Solutions,” International Journal of Computer Science and Telecommunications (IJCST), Volume 9, Issue 7, December 2018, pp. 14-22.

Textbook, New

Qaddour, J. Practical Telecommunication Networking. 3 Editors from Cognella (EDs), yes, 7 chapters of 10 chapters of new textbook Draft version.Draft Version (2022): 263.


A Secure Blockchain for Electronic Health Records. The Twelfth International Conference on Communications, Computation, Networks and Technologies INNOV 2023. IARIA. (2023)
Two-Stage Object Detectors: A Comparative Evaluation. The Twelfth International Conference on Communications, Computation, Networks and Technologies INNOV 2023. IARIA. (2023)
Mujeye, S., Qaddour, J., Ullah, S., Calderon, S., Rhykerd, R., Edamala, C., & Kidwaro, F. (2023) A Proposal on How to Use Blockchain to Secure Communications in 5G Ecosystem. International Journal of Future Computer and Communication.
Securing Healthcare IoT (HIoT) Monitoring System Using Blockchain. The 12th International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN). cosponsored by IEEE com society. (2021)
Implementation Problems Facing Network Function Virtualization and Solutions. IARIA- ICN 2018 : The Seventeenth International Conference on Networks. IARIA. (2018)
Multifactor Biometric Authentication for Cloud Computing. IARIA- ICN 2018 : The Seventeenth International Conference on Networks. IARIA. (2018)
Recruitment and Collaboration. Sudan Delegate Visit. Institute of International Education (IIE). (2018)
Chair a Session: VEHICULAR 2. International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications (ICWMC 16). IARIA Conferences. (2016)
Modeling and Performance Analysis of a Converged Network. International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Communications (ICWMC 16). IARIA Conferences. (2016)

Grants & Contracts

AI Automatic Vehicles Damaged Claim Estimator. School of Information Technology Seed Grant Program. Illinois State University. (2021)