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Dr. Kyoungwon Suh

Professor of Computer Science
School Information Technology
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research


Kyoungwon Suh received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in computer engineering from Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, in 1991 and 1993, respectively, the M.S. degree in computer science from Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, in 2000, and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, in 2007. He is currently a Professor of Computer Science with Illinois State University, Normal. His research interests include network measurement/analysis/inference, wireless networks, smart handheld devices, content distribution networks, big data analysis, privacy, and security.

Current Courses

225.003Computer Organization

225.004Computer Organization

170.001Scripting Languages and Automation

Teaching Interests & Areas

computer networks, distributed systems, operating systems, computer organization

Research Interests & Areas

Computer Networks and Distributed Systems: network measurement, analysis, and inference, wireless networks, smart handheld devices, content distribution networks; big data analysis; privacy and security

Ph D Computer Science


MS Computer Science

Rutgers University
Piscataway, NJ

MS Computer Engineering

Seoul National University
Seoul, Korea

BS Computer Engineering

Seoul National University
Seoul, Korea

SIT Teaching Innovation Award

School of Information Technology at ISU

SIT Outstanding Faculty Citizen (Service) Award

School of Information Technology at ISU

Student Best Paper Award

The 12th IEEE International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications

IT Research Award

School of Information Technology, ISU

Listed in Marquis Who's Who in America

Marquis Who's Who

Listed in Marquis Who's Who in America

Marquis Who's Who

Caterpillar (CAT) Scholar Award

Illinois State University/Caterpillar

Best paper award

ACM/SPIE MMCN conference

Conference Proceeding

Jung, J., Suh, K., Cho, S., & Ahn, G. Automotive Crash Data Collection and Analysis: A Log-Based Case Study. MobiSec 2024 : The 8th International Conference on Mobile Internet Security (2024)
Hojun Lee; Seong-je Cho; Hyoil Han; Woosang Cho; Kyoungwon Suh, Sustainability in Machine Learning-based Android Malware Detection using API calls, The 5th IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering (AIKE 2022), Laguna Hills, CA, USA, Sep. 2022.

Minsu Park, Haein Kang, Seong-je Cho, Hyoil Han, and Kyoungwon Suh, Characterizing and Detecting Three Adversarial Techniques in Android, The 10th International Conference on Smart Media and Applications (SMA 2021), Gunsan-si, Korea, September 9-11, 2021.
Han, H., Lim, S., Suh, K., Park, S., Cho, S., & Park, M. Enhanced Android Malware Detection: An SVM-based Machine Learning Approach. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (2020)
Jihyeon Park, Munyeong Kang, Seong-je Cho, Hyoil Han and Kyoungwon Suh, Analysis of Permission Selection Techniques in Machine Learning-based Malicious App Detection, The 4th IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Engineering (AIKE 2020), USA, 2020. (Virtual held)

Journal Article

McGuan, C., Yu, C., & Suh, K. Practical and lightweight defense against website fingerprinting. Elsevier Computer Communications Journal (2024)
Liang, J., Yu, C., Suh, K., & Han, H. Tail Time Defense Against Website Fingerprinting Attacks. IEEE Access (2022)
Jung, J., Kim, H., Cho, S., Han, S., & Suh, K. Efficient Android Malware Detection Using API Rank and Machine Learning. Journal of Internet Services and Information Security (JISIS) 9 (2019)
Yue, C., Jin, R., Suh, K., Qin, Y., Wang, B., & Wei, W. LinkForecast: Cellular Link Bandwidth Prediction in LTE Networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (2018)
Zeng, W., Cote, J., Chen, X., Kim, Y., Wei, W., Suh, K., Wang, B., & Shi, Z. Delay monitoring for wireless sensor networks: An architecture using air sniffers. Elsevier Ad Hoc networks journal 13 (2014): 549-559.


Minsu Park, Haein Kang, Hyoil Han, kyoungwon Suh, A Study on a Vulnerability Scoring System for Intelligent Buildings, The 8th International Conference on Next Generation Computing 2022 (IGNGC 2022), Korea, Oct. 2022.
Keonyong Lee, Hojun Seong, Haein Kang, Seong-je Cho, Hyoil Han, and Kyoungwon Suh, A Forensic Data Analysis of a Bluetooth Device paired with an Android-based Audio Video Navigation System, The 7th International Conference on Next Generation Computing 2021 (ICNGC 2021), Jeju, Korea, November 4-6, 2021.
Geunha You, Seong-je Cho, Hyoil Han, and Kyoungwon Suh, De-Obfuscating Android Apps Obfuscated by ProGuard and Obfuscapk The 6th International Conference on Next Generation Computing 2020 (ICNGC 2020), Korea, 2020. (Virtually held)
Geunha You, Seong-je Cho, Hyoil Han, and Kyoungwon Suh, Performance Comparison between R8 Compiler and ReDex in Code Optimization of Android Apps, The 6th International Conference on Next Generation Computing 2020 (ICNGC 2020), Korea, 2020. (Virtual held)
Suh, K. Android Malware Detection based on Useful API Calls and Machine Learning. IEEE AIKE (ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING) ABC workshop 2018 (2018)


Im, W., Lee, K., Suh, K., & Tulloch, D. Ebola Mapping: Understanding and analyzing what people are saying about Ebola (2014)


Characterization of RRC state machines of WCDMA/HSPA networks and QoS improvements in smartphone applications. UKC Conference 2014. UKC. (2014)
When University Faculty met Software Engineer from Industry. 14th KOCSEA Technical Symposium. KOCSEA (Korean Computer Scientists and Engineers Association in America). (2013)
Network Performance of Smart Mobile Handhelds in a University Campus WiFi Network. 13th KOCSEA Technical Symposium. KOCSEA (Korean Computer Scientists and Engineers Association in America). (2012)

Grants & Contracts

Analyzing and improving the sustainability of Machine Learning-based models to detect Android malware. School of Information Technology. Illinois State University. (2024)
IT Research Award. School of Information Technology at ISU. Illinois State University. (2014)